

People First

We are extremely proud of what we do

Our people make Capula a great place to work. More than a job, Capula is a place to belong, be recognised and find purpose at work.

Capula is looking for extraordinary people to join our industry leading team as we continue to define the future of Engineering.

We have been at the forefront of our industry for over 50 years, delivering complex and robust technical solutions to critical national infrastructure.

We are both innovative and trusted, working on ambitious and leading edge projects for some of the UK’s most critical environments including nuclear, power generation and distribution, water and renewables.


We’re part of a family helping to achieve net-zero

Jointly owned by Dalkia and EDF, Britain's biggest generator of low carbon electricity, we are part of a much larger family. This means our people are often given opportunities to work on much broader Group initiatives such as the EDF Generation fleet, and benefit from the reachback and support of a wider network.

Working at Capula

We have built a team with the knowledge, experience, passion and insight needed to help ensure we can consistently deliver exceptional and enduring value of service to our Customers.

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Developing Talent

The role we play means we are committed to building, shaping and nurturing the engineers of the future.

Ensuring we have robust and tailored learning and development programmes are fundamental to our commitment to ensure our people have the skills and capabilities they need to meet and exceed customer expectations.

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Graduate & Apprenticeship Pathways

We are committed to developing and delivering career pathways that build, shape and nurture the engineers of the future whilst providing exciting and varied career pathways for those with a passion for engineering.

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Experienced Hires

With a focus on engineering, we recruit people that are experts in their field, covering a broad range of specialisms, with the skills and motivation to apply what they know to our customers’ challenges.

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Proud Partners

Hear from our employees

  • Sally Parker
    Senior Engineer

    An apprenticeship within the Nuclear industry really does offer exciting opportunities to learn and develop your skills, you will be exposed to so many interesting and critical projects and will be working alongside knowledgeable people. This isn’t something you get in any industry.

    I was really pleased to win the UK Nuclear Skills Awards Apprentice of the Year 2021. The award recognised all my hard work and the enthusiasm I have for my role and this industry.

  • Caroline Roche
    Senior Engineer

    From the offset, I was placed in a leading role on a panel (PLC/HMI) replacement project, working closely with the clients on all aspects of design, implementation, and testing. Since then, I have progressed to work on larger projects, including a significant nuclear installation. I’ve gone from Graduate Engineer to Senior Engineer over the last ten years and alongside my day to day project work, I help to mentor and train new joiners to the company.

  • Alex Wixon
    Senior Engineer

    In my role you need to be personable, punctual, technical and patient. As an apprentice you’ll gain a lot of skills and experience whilst working.

    My favourite part of my job is the satisfaction when something is finally fixed.

  • Tayela Jarvis Dale
    Junior Engineer

    To be successful, the skills I believe to be important are being a good listener, the ability to learn from mistakes and having excellent attention to detail. These skills empower you to learn and develop from others, and acquire new knowledge from all the work that you do.

  • Ryan Vaughan
    Senior Software Development Engineer

    After such a short time of being with Capula, I am getting great recognition for my work, and the team has started to deliver software to clients that is changing their way of working. When joining the team, the product was in its infancy and its rewarding to see how far it has come within a short time frame.

  • Josh Luckman
    Senior Engineer

    Since joining Capula in 2011 as a Junior Systems Engineer, I have been fortunate enough to be offered many opportunities to develop professionally throughout my career and academically alongside it. In 2015 Capula offered to support and sponsor my academic journey, initially a FdSc in Electrical and Electronic Technology and more recently for a BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


Capula is looking for extraordinary people to join our industry leading team as we continue to define the future of Engineering.

Available Roles

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