Capula Named as Supplier on the Cyber Security Services 3 DPS (RM3764.3)

Capula is pleased to announce that we have been named as a Crown Commercial supplier to the Cyber Security Service’s 3 DPS framework (RM3764.3)

Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2018/19, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth £945m – supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.

The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) allows public sector organisations to source a wide range of cyber security services from a variety of pre-qualified suppliers.

It is available to all central government and public sector buyers including education, health and defence. They can find Capula in the approved suppliers list for secure IT disposal services then we can be invited to submit tenders for relevant contracts.

The Cyber Security Services 3 DPS has been set up to simplify the procurement process for both buyers and sellers. As a dynamic system, suppliers can keep their service offerings current to keep pace with the ever-changing digital landscape. Buyers are also able to create bespoke specifications and contracts.

There are two distinct routes to finding pre-qualified suppliers. The first route provides the buyer with suppliers who are assured by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), whilst the second route provides the buyer with a set of suppliers who provide similar services to those under the NCSC assured route but without the assurance the National Technical Authority provides.

It is intended that this commercial Agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) Assured Cyber Security Services required by UK Central Government Departments.

By utilising our holistic approach to industrial cyber security, our range of security services are already helping critical infrastructure and industrial enterprises to build and maintain cyber resilience, find out more about our services here.

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