Capula prizes recognise student talent

Capula was delighted to award Capula Awards and sponsor prizes again this year to talented students from Staffordshire University and Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group which are in close proximity to its Head Office in Staffordshire, where the business has over 20 employees enrolled on engineering courses as part of its apprenticeship programme.

The following Staffordshire University graduates were awarded Capula prizes for their outstanding academic achievements:

  • William Townsend was awarded the Capula prize for best overall project by an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student for 2019. He graduated with a first-class BEng Hons in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Ryan Vaughan won the Capula prize for best overall performance within the Department of Computing.

Two Capula employees were also awarded degrees at the Staffordshire University graduation ceremonies last week:

  • Engineer, Harry King who originally joined Capula as an apprentice received two awards at the ceremony; The Institute of Engineering and Technology North West Midlands Region Award and The Edward Riddell Shield for the best overall student on an IET Accredited Award. Harry was also awarded a First Class Degree in Electrical Engineering at the ceremony.
  • Graduate Engineer, Sean Mayer who first joined Capula on a placement year and has now achieved a First Class BSc Degree in Software Engineering

Capula also sponsored the award for the best BTEC engineering student at Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group, which was awarded to William Mancini at the college’s recent awards ceremony. William demonstrated exceptional dedication and enthusiasm and exceeded expectations when completing self-directed engineering projects.

The business has a number of apprentices enrolled on undergraduate engineering courses at the college to ensure a steady pipeline of engineering talent within the business, in line with Capula’s ambitious growth plans.

Capula has sponsored these awards for a number of years and maintains excellent links with both the University and Newcastle College, where it continues to provide input into the structure of courses to ensure their relevance to industry.

Pictured from top to bottom and left to right: Main picture, Ryan Vaughan, William Townsend, Harry King, Sean Mayer all pictures taken at Staffordshire University graduation ceremonies. William Mancini (pictured bottom) on Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering pathway at NSCG.

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