Capula takes part in National Bike Week

Capula, part of the Imtech Group, encouraged employees to rethink their everyday journeys for a week in June by taking part in National Bike Week 2016, the UK's biggest nationwide annual cycling event.


A team of 13 Capula employees took up the challenge and demonstrated that cycling can have its place within the everyday commute to work. The cyclists comprised employees from Capula’s 5 offices around the UK and collectively they managed to cycle 614 miles. This equated to a saving of 200kg in CO2 emissions which is a significant achievement and in line with Imtech Group’s key sustainability objectives to reduce its overall carbon footprint. In 2015 this objective was met and the business achieved a reduction in tonnes of CO2 per employee of 2%.

A competitive element was introduced to the event by awarding prizes to employees who cycled the most miles throughout the week and a 'biker's breakfast' was arranged to encourage as many as possible to take part.

Due to the success of the event, Capula is already planning to take part in Bike Week in 2017 and next time they will be challenged to beat a 1000 mile target.

[caption id="attachment_2088" align="alignnone" width="700"]SONY DSC Matthew Haubus, QESH Manager (right) awards first prize winner Ian Glover with a medal after cycling 124 miles on his commute to and from the Head Office in Stone during the week.[/caption]

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