Control of Major Accidents Hazards Regulations (COMAH) are keeping your industrial assets safe
Today, processes are automated by traditional PLC/SCADA/SIS or DCS automated systems, but as we move through the journey of Internet of Things (IOT) we add the benefit of digital platforms.
This enables the availability of data to increase the timely correct decisions to boost productivity, improve reliability and increase the flexibility of their processes. These changes are translating into unparalleled business benefit: lowering operational costs, generating greater profitability and happier customers.

With the increase of business demand for automated systems and digital platforms, industrial assets are becoming increasingly reliant on network connected digital control technology. As those assets become more integrated and interconnected, they also become more vulnerable. Cyber security for Industrial Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems has become a vital and important aspect of the plant functional safety and total security.
Therefore, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is focused on the cyber security of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) and Industrial Automated and Control Systems (IACS). Control of Major Accidents Hazards Regulations (COMAH) released cyber security guidance OG0086 - Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) to "Take all necessary measures to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances Limit the consequences to people and the environment of any major accidents which do occur" HSE