AVEVA PI System™ Training

AVEVA PI System™ Training

Dedicated AVEVA PI System™ training and customised PI courses

Our comprehensive portfolio of courses are suitable for delegates with varied levels of AVEVA PI System knowledge and experience.

As an AVEVA Endorsed Systems Integrators Partner, our training materials follow the same format and structure as AVEVA (formally OSIsoft) own courses and our collaboration with them guarantees that you will receive high-quality training that meets international standards. Alternatively, we can offer shorter customised courses based on AVEVA materials that are customised to suit our client’s specific requirements.

Flexible, remote training options

Our highly interactive, remote training options are led by industry experts to provide the best mix of experience and practice in a professional virtual learning environment.

Our remote virtual training options help to:

  • save on travel and accommodation costs
  • enable more delegates to attend from multiple locations

Delegates attending the courses listed below will receive an AVEVA and/or a Capula certificate of completion.

All delegates attending the courses will receive an AVEVA and/or a Capula certificate of completion.

Building AVEVA PI System™ Assets & Analytics with AF (4 days)

Learn to use PI AF

  • Building an asset framework
  • Analytics
  • Calculations
  • Event frames


A process engineer who wants to get the greatest value from the PI system and needs to understand all the benefits of the features that are available with AF. Could also be a PI system administrator who wants to pass on the information and train other members of staff in the use of AF. Knowledge of the data archive is required.


  • Basic knowledge of the PI system
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft excel
  • Basic understanding of a relational database, although no administration or maintenance tasks are discussed or required

Class outline:

  • Understanding the PI system architecture
  • Key features of the AF server
  • Modelling your assets with AF
  • Organising/structuring your assets
  • Visualising your assets
  • Aggregating external data in AF
  • Adding business rules, KPIs and calculation results to your assets
  • Being informed of important events
  • Scaling out your AF system
  • Communicating important events

Visualising AVEVA PI System™ Data (Clients) (3 days)

Learn to use PI Processbook, PI Datalink and PI Vision.


Engineers, production managers, process operators, instrument technicians, project team members, information system analysts and computer support personnel. This is also an excellent class to take if you are considering buying the PI system and want to eventually implement all of its features.


  • This class is taught in a Windows 7/Microsoft Office 2013 environment and is designed for students who have a good understanding of that environment. You will have to open and close files, locate files in different directories and use menus and toolbars
  • Students will spend almost a whole day using Microsoft Excel 2013, so knowing how to work in Microsoft Excel is a prerequisite for this class
  • No specific knowledge of the PI System software is required.

Class Outline

  • Get to know PI Data through PI Vision
  • Explore event frames with PI Vision and PI DataLink
  • Build a simple production report with PI DataLink
  • Create a PI ProcessBook display to monitor My Process
  • Analyse the past month’s raw material usage with PI DataLink
  • Build a set of PI ProcessBook displays to Model My Plant
  • Flow adjustment in PI ProcessBook

AVEVA PI System™ Administration for IT Professionals (4 days)

Learn to maintain and administrate the PI system.


Anyone who needs knowledge of how to maintain the PI system. Ideally this will be someone who already has exposure to PI through their work or a Client course.


  • Basic Windows and Network security (why you log in, what is a domain, etc)
  • Basic directory navigation and management (using Windows Explorer, creating and finding files)
  • Some familiarity with your real-time data sources (control systems PLCs, OPC)

Class Outline:

  • Understanding data flow through the PI server and the PI AF server
  • The PI interface defined
  • PI interface configuration utility
  • PI point attributes and interfaces
  • Polling, advise and event points
  • Organizing your PI tags into PI system assets
  • What is PI buffering?
  • Explore the PI server directory structure
  • What is the event queue
  • Common tuning parameters
  • Opening the hood of the PI AF server
  • Safeguard your data
  • Securing the PI system environment
  • Monitor your PI system
  • A word about PI server and PI AF server collectives

Call for quote

1 Introduction to PI

This course provides an overview of the latest PI technologies and is intended as introduction to new users or as a refresher course for those who may have previous experience of the system. This one day course covers:

  • PI System Architecture
  • Tags and Assets
  • Archives and Data Flow
  • Client Tools
    • Processbook
    • Datalink
    • Coresight/Vision
  • Analytics and Event Frames

2 PI Client Course

Offers insight into the latest advances and provides an introduction to Processbook and Datalink.

3 PI-AF Course

This course is based around the accredited 4 day training course from OSIsoft. The main subjects covered are:

  • Creating an Asset Hierarchy
  • Adding attributes to assets
  • Asset templates

Terms of business

PI Training is subject to Capula Terms and Conditions (copy to be supplied within our quotation).

Please note we only offer PI Training to companies this excludes individuals.


Confirmation of your booking should be made by sending a purchase order to support.admin@capula.com. Course fees to be paid prior to the start of the course.

Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about our OSIsoft and customised training options.

Contact us