

Trusted partner in change

Solving problems by asking the right questions

The best decisions are aided by focus, so we help you prioritise and improve one key area at a time. With our impartial approach we can make the right decision for your business, for positive change that lasts.

With a structured approach to consultation and partnership we work with you in close collaboration, deeply understanding your business, assets, systems and processes to uncover solutions for all challenges you face today and will face in the future.

Creating bespoke answers to the right questions.


Industry today must be ready for the challenges of tomorrow. Which is why we’re committed to partnering with our customers to plan for - and connect them with - the future.

With a consultative approach designed to unlock new opportunities and offer both a vision and a road map towards outstanding performance we place pragmatic innovation at the heart of our expertise.

We’re inspired by what’s next, going beyond what’s possible.

The emergence of new digital technologies and shift to the cloud requires a rethinking of how enterprises and partners Plan, Deliver, and Operate industrial technology solutions.

The Capula Consultancy Framework (CCF) provides a multi-faceted approach to the successful deployment of industrial technology solutions, providing:

  • standardised approach with practical guidance, tools, process and recommended practices for successfully planning, delivering, and operating industrial technology solutions
  • framework derived from traditional service management methodologies but built to focus specifically on industrial technology solutions
  • common understanding of the solution development lifecycle for customers and Capula to effectively engage together
  • drives continual service improvement delivering incremental business benefits throughout the lifecycle of solution delivered services

An independent and consultative approach.
Helping you focus on the priorities for change.

Systems Consultancy

As an independent systems integrator for industrial automation and control systems, we design, install and integrate advanced industrial automation and control technologies for a number of critical infrastructure customers working in complex industrial environments, from small standalone systems to large complex networks for major projects.

Platform and systems independent, we engineer fully bespoke solutions that help improve the productivity and performance of industrial assets safely and reliably; working with whatever platform or technology you demand.

We can bridge the gap between end user and original technology provider, offering an unbiased and fresh perspective to deliver effective outcomes for your business needs.

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We offer impartial approach to the application of operational and information technology, and the harnessing of data, informing the decisions that drive sustainable asset performance.

Supporting the functioning of their critical systems now, maintaining resilience and reliability of legacy systems; as well as looking to what is next, whether that be implementing next technologies, increasing connectivity or alleviating a rising cyber threat

We guide our customers’ digital strategy through operational effectiveness, empowering the connectivity and control of their industrial assets.

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Doing everything is impossible, so do one thing well